My guide book complains that every spot of natural beauty in Japan is surrounded by construction -- right to the edge. But, the Japanese tremendously enjoy the tiny bits of park that are left, between the buildings.
The margins of semi-wild land that we leave around our parks are narrow by standards of some cultures, or of earlier times in our own culture. Perhaps it's partly a question of how much space is avalilable over all.
Several Japanese remarked on the similarities of Japan and California. They have similar banana-like shapes, with wild-remote northern regions and metropolises in the middle and south. Both have extensive
coastlines on the Pacific and iconic cultural images of the ocean. Both have booming high-tech
economies, rooted in strong science and engineering. Japan has about 3 times the
population, and is smaller. Japan is an ancient, and still extremely
homogeneous, nation; California is new, and a true melting pot. They
are to some degree mirror images.